By Lewis Manalo in Publishing Perpectives
NEW YORK: In Spring 2008, when David Del Vecchio opened Idlewild Books in New York City, he decided to take a different approach to the bookshop: rather than organize by genre, the books would be organized by place. Often when traveling for his previous job with the UN, David had had to scour the shelves of a bookshop to find all the travel guides, novels, and nonfiction for that country where he was going. With Idlewild, the idea was to help the well-read traveler find everything he or she needed on one shelf.
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Name Your "Lost" Books
By Edward Nawotka

Today's lead story discusses the phenomenon of the bookseller who is frustrated at not being able to deliver the books that his customer is asking for -- some obscure, some rather well-known, but for some reason, unavailable for purchase.
These aren't necessarily books that haven't been translated. On the contrary, they are often available in an English translation (and others) and are for sale overseas. Or else they are books in English that for one reason or another haven't been published in the States.
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