8:15 Steven Pinker: writing and style
9:05 Sir Peter Gluckman: obesity and health
9:40 Marieke Hardy: letters and women
10:05 Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra
11:05 Richard Louv: nature and children
11:40 Energy with David Haywood: solar photovoltaic part
This Saturday's team:
Producer: Mark Cubey
Wellington engineers: Brad Warrington, Chris Keogh
Auckland engineer: Brian Mahoney Christchurch engineer: Andrew Collins Research
by Anne Buchanan, Infofind
Email: Saturday@radionz.co.nz
Web page: http://radionz.co.nz/saturday
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RNZ_SatMorning
Steven Pinker is a Johnstone Family Professor in the
Department of Psychology at Harvard University. He conducts research on
language and cognition, writes for many publications, and is the author of ten
books, most recently The Sense of Style: the Thinking Person's Guide to Writing
in the 21st Century (Allen Lane, ISBN: 978-1-846-14550-6).
9:05 Sir Peter Gluckman
Professor Sir Peter Gluckman is the Prime Minister's
Chief Science Advisor. He is known for his work promoting the use of evidence
in policy formation and the translation of scientific knowledge into better
social, economic, and environmental outcomes, and his research interests
include the developmental origins of health and disease, epigenetics, and
evolutionary medicine.
9:40 Marieke Hardy
Marieke Hardy is co-curator with Michaela McGuire of the
monthly Women of Letters occasion in Melbourne, in which six well- known women
each read out a letter to an audience on a topic received in advance, followed
by a panel discussion. With a theme of Letter to my Unanswered Question, Women
of Letters will be staged in Wellington on 16 November as one of the events at
Lit Crawl, a weekend literary festival first staged in San Francisco in 2004,
and taking place in New Zealand for the first time (15-16 November).
10:05 The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra
Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra was formed in 2005, and currently
comprises Age Pryor, Gemma Gracewood, Andy Morley-Hall, Bek Coogan, Carmel
Russell, Daniel Yeabsley, Megan Salole, Steve Jessup, Sam Auger, Francis
Salole, guest performer Amanda Billing, and (when available) Nigel Collins and
Bret McKenzie. The Orchestra has released four EPs, completed a tour of China
and Japan in October (click here to see an image gallery), and is about to
embark on a New Zealand tour in support of the release of the debut full-length
album, Be Mine Tonight, playing in Dunedin (8 November), Invercargill (9
November), Alexandra (10 November), Wanaka (11 November), Ashburton (13
November), Christchurch (14 and 15 November), Palmerston North (21 November),
New Plymouth (22 November), Taupo (23 November), Napier (25 November), Tauranga
(27 November), Auckland (28 November 10pm - 7pm show sold out), NZ Ukulele
Festival, Auckland (29 November), Kerikeri (30 November), Wellington (5 and 6
December). A United States tour is planned for January 2015.
11:05 Richard Louv
Richard Louv is co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of the
Children & Nature Network. He is the author of eight books which helped
launch an international movement to connect children and their families to
nature, most recently The Nature Principle: Human Restoration and the End of
Nature-Deficit Disorder (2011, Algonquin, ISBN: 978-1-616201418). He will visit
New Zealand to speak at the national event A Place to Live, to be held in
Whanganui from 16 to 19 November, building on themes from the 2012 Transit of
Venus Forum.
11:40 Energy with David Haywood
David Haywood has a Ph.D. in engineering and lives in
Dunsandel. He is currently contributing This Week in Parliament on his
Southerly blog at Public Address, and is the author of the collection of
humorous essays My First Stabbing, the children's book The Hidden Talent of
Albert Otter, and The New Zealand Reserve Bank Annual 2010 (all
publicaddressbooks.com). He will continue his discussion of solar photovoltaic