Booktrust launches its first reading and writing project for the over 60s
The independent reading charity Booktrust is launching its first project which aims to encourage over 60s to engage in reading and creative writing.
The project, entitled Bookbite, aims to inspire people aged 60 and over in England to take up reading and writing to experience the positive affects that they can offer for emotional health and wellbeing.
Bookbite also aims to encourage over 60s to explore the benefits of getting online by working closely with the thousands of UK Online centres across the country to access and explore the Bookbite website.
The programme will launch on 8 February 2010 with the distribution of more than 100,000 Bookbite magazines throughout England and the unveiling of the new easily accessible Bookbite website www.bookbite.org.uk. The 36 page magazine will be distributed directly into people’s homes via older people’s charity WRVS and by 175 other organisations including Age Concern, local library services and UK online centres. The magazine will also be available as a download from the Bookbite website.
The project aims to encourage those who rarely or never read books to engage more in reading and writing for pleasure, using the internet to access additional resources where and when possible. The Bookbite project is dedicated to bringing this type of information together in one place, with content specifically chosen and written with people over 60 in mind.
Celebrated authors, poets and well known faces including Andrew Motion, Pam Ayres, Val McDermid, Sherrie Hewson and Mihir Bose have all contributed stories, poems and support to the project.
Research commissioned by Booktrust using focus groups of people over 60 revealed that many people of this age were keen to write fiction, memoirs and research their family tree but were unsure as to where to start. They also felt that they lacked the proficiency and confidence to use computers and explore possibilities online.
Funding for the Bookbite project was secured following Booktrust’s successful application to the Transformation Fund established under the government’s Department of Business, Innovation and Skills Learning Revolution project.
It marks the second foray for Booktrust into the arena of adult education and engagement following the successful launch of the Booktrust Power of Reading Award as part of Adult Learners Week in 2009. This award celebrates
Booktrust is already well known for its free book programmes Bookstart, Booktime and Booked Up which give over 3.5 million books away to children in the UK every year.
The Bookbite magazine and accessible website includes information on
· Writing short stories
· The Bookbite writing club
· A user forum to share tips and ideas on reading and writing
· Creative writing ‘How to’ guides and activity sheet
· Advice and help on researching family and social history
· An introduction to reading and writing poetry
· An online reading group and book lists including a ‘Book of the Month’
· Book quizzes
· Storytelling tips to encourage older people to share stories with children
· Short story competitions
· An online writer in residence
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