guest speaker at Auckland NZSA Friday next week
The Auckland branch of the New Zealand Society of Authors, with 500 listed members, has invited all to hear guest speaker Gordon Dryden at their monthly meeting on Friday next week, April 3.
Says branch secretary Adrian Blackburn, in an email to members:
We've scored a coup with the agreement of Auckland author and media personality Gordon Dryden to be the guest speaker at our next meeting. If any of you have wondered how an author can stack up sales of over 10 million for a single work, Gordon will have some answers for you.
Photo left shows Gordon with a giant copy of The Learning Revolution, presented to mark 10 million sales of his book in China.
Gordon has:
Been published in 20 languages
Regularly makes multi-media book-selling presentations to audiences from 500 to 3000
And, at 77, produces his own full-colour books on his home computer and Markets them himself on the worldwide web. He has just self-published a new full-colour book: UNLIMITED: The New Learning Revolution and the Seven Keys to Unlock It.
Gordon has also specialised in spinning off multi-media versions of his works, ensuring full exploitation of the intellectual property inherent in his written words.Normally Gordon speaks to much larger audiences. Because of the seating limitations at our normal venue, the University of Auckland English Department common room, corner Symonds St and Grafton Rd (from around 5 p.m.), it's likely to be standing room only for Gordon's presentation. Be early to grab a seat.Adrian’s email address is: http://www2.blogger.com/blacadr@gmail.com
[Note: Gordon says non-fiction authors, in particular, can make more income selling their own books to 1300 people at a three-day conference, as he did in Mexico recently, than they can earn from royalties on 10,000 books. But only if their own multi-media presentations are world-class. Gordon is a specialist in interactive presentations using Apple Keynote software, which he considers “about ten times more effective than Microsoft Powerpoint”.]
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