Saturday, July 07, 2012

Book Lover

From Zippy.  Warm thanks to southern poet David Howard for bringing this gem to my attention.


Keri Hulme said...

Ur - not quite sure about this.

It's very easy to make fun of bibliophiles ( am one, with nearly 30,000 books...)

I dont sniff/hug/etc. books: I revere them as knowledge-hoards (even when they give me a great deal of trouble (as in shifting my library to the east coast...))

I think this cartoon is an unsubtle mockery of people like myself...

Mark Hubbard said...

No, Keri. And with the greatest respect, but I think the opposite: I see this as a homage to the sheer love of books. I love it.

Geoff Churchman said...

I can relate to the first three frames of the strip (except book aroma - unimportant) but not the fourth.