Willy’s Dad by Scott Tulloch (Harper Collins $19) is an hilarious tale of Willy and his sensible Mum and not-so-sensible Dad. Great illustrations which will be loved by kids and parents alike, 3-6 years.
Taniwha by Robyn Kahukiwa (Puffin $16.95) is a classic, award-winning story of the friendship between a boy and a taniwha. Originally published in hardcover in 1986 now out in paperback. Gorgeous illustrations. 3-6 years.
The Adventures of Sydney Penguin by David Elliot (Random House $25). Two previously published hugely popular stories (1999 & 2000) about the ever curious and adventurous, and often in trouble Sydney Penguin now put into one book. David Elliot is a master book illustrator. 4-7 years.
Tahi, one lucky kiwi by Melania Drewery, illustrations by John O’Reilly & Ali Teo
(Random House $30) The delightful true story of a North Island brown kiwi who in 2005 lost part of his leg after getting caught in a hunting trap and how Weta Workshop, the Artificial Limb Centre and Wellington Zoo joined forces to provide him with an artificial leg.
5-10 years.
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? Bill Martin Jnr & Erica Carle (Puffin $29.95) Two of the most famous names in the children’s picture book world combine their enormous talents in this gentle story of Baby Bear’s quest to find Mama.
2-5 years.

Who Will Help Santa This Year by Jerry Pallotta & David Biedrzycki (Scholastic $15) When Santa needs help in his workshop, he tries everything from dragons and fairies to unicorns, with hilarious results. 2-5 years.
The Chicken Who Saved Christmas by Daniel Howarth (Koala Books $19)
What would happen if Santa was ill and didn’t wake up on Christmas Eve? A lively story full of festive fun and surprises. 3-6 years.
Russell’s Christmas Magic by Rob Scotton (Harper Collins $27
Rats by Gavin Bishop (Random House $30) From one of NZ’s most respected children’s author/illustrators comes the story of Mrs.Piper and her beautiful home which becomes infested with rats. An original fairytale for 3-6 year olds.
Songs and Verse by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake & others (Puffin $29.95) Dahl once said “those who don’t believe in magic will never find it”. This most appealing, sumptuous compendium is full of magic for kids of all ages. 4-104.
Originally published in 1941 this is Gallico’s classic story of the remarkable evacuation of Dunkirk in a stunning new hardcover edition with exquisite illustrations by Angela Barrett. 7 years to adult.
The Magic of Christmas – A Treasury of Festive Stories (Social Club Books-Bookwise-$30) A great collection of six complete picture books (amazing value) with beautiful illustrations. 3 – 7 years.
The Reed Treasury of New Zealand Children’s Books, various authors (Reed $40)
A beautiful hardback collection, lavishly illustrated representing the best children’s books published by Reeds during the past century. Included are authores such as Mona Anderson, Dorothy Butler, Christine Ross, Nobby Clarke, Avis Acres, Peter Gossage and A.W.Reed. 5-14 years but many adults will want this one too.
My completely best and very busy book by Lauren Child (Puffin $19.95)
Stories, games & quizzes, drawing and sticking & things to make & do, funny facts and things you didn’t know, stickers too. 4-8 years.

Roland Harvey is a much-loved Australian illustrator, & one of my absolute favourites.
I can look at his pictures for hours, they are so detailed. I guess this is a companion to his In the Bush and At the Beach. Astonishingly detailed and very funny, this is something for the whole family to enjoy. 5-10+ years
In the City is my children’s picture book for 2007.
You have just solved my remaining two Christmas present problems! Thanks, Merry Christmas and thanks for your great blog. My first port of call every morning.
Wow. "Willy's Dad" looks worth a read. Where can I buy 20? And is there a sequel in the offing?
Yours unbiasedly
Scott Tulloch
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