This has huge implications for independent booksellers.
Online Shopping Raises Ethical Dilemma

To him, this behavior is unfair and takes advantage of him and his hardworking staff. I have to admit that I have been guilty of doing it in the past and never gave it a second thought. After all, I want to buy what I need at the cheapest price possible, and if that means browsing in person only to buy online, why not? But speaking with Iskandar made me question the ethics of that approach.
I asked him more about his views and would love to hear your own take on the subject as well.
Is it wrong to glean information from local stores and then buy online? Please post your comments below.
Does it bother you when you see customers come into your store and write down titles that you have displayed, only to go buy them online later?
I can't help but be bothered by it, but I definitely don't let it frustrate me. Part of me wishes that these people would see the value in my bookstore and understand [the impact] of their actions.
What can you do to prevent this from happening?
I view my business in terms of the value of my product and services. If my customers are not purchasing my product, that means they don't see the value—at which point I would have to reduce prices or improve the service. So I simply continuously improve the service and the "convenience factor" for my customers.
For example, I maintain an excellent selection, deliver special orders within two business days and free of charge, provide a comforting atmosphere, and, most importantly, provide friendly, helpful service. In addition, I always stress the role that the bookstore plays to prop the image of downtown Plymouth in an effort to induce loyalty.
For example, I maintain an excellent selection, deliver special orders within two business days and free of charge, provide a comforting atmosphere, and, most importantly, provide friendly, helpful service. In addition, I always stress the role that the bookstore plays to prop the image of downtown Plymouth in an effort to induce loyalty.
How can independent bookstores like yours survive when so many people buy books online? We are increasingly becoming selfish, cultureless, bargain shoppers. Independent bookstores may only be able to thrive in high-income areas with culture and tradition. Also, independent bookstores have to offer a high [level of] service in addition to selling books. Offering a cafe is one of these services.
Are books usually cheaper online? If so, why is this?
Books are cheaper online if they are bought in volume. Buying one book at a time online could be costly because of shipping costs, but most online retailers offer free shipping when purchasing multiple books. The biggest reason that online retailers can sell books more cheaply is because of their volume. They can order directly from the publisher in bulk and stock the books in warehouses. A small, independent bookstore has to go through a middle vendor and has a 7 to 10 percent disadvantage due to the lower volume.
Before you owned a bookstore, were you guilty of using stores to do research before making online purchases? Would you ever do it today?
I never did that and never will. My favorite bookstore was Borders on State Street in Ann Arbor. Of course, that was before Borders became corporate. At the time, it was operated as independently owned store.
One thing for sure is that now I have immense distaste for corporate retailers, specifically in the coffee, restaurant, and book industry. Corporations might provide cheaper service, but it comes at the expense of service diversity, culture, and economy. The position of an independent business owner, who might be middle class, own a house, and spend his money locally, has been replaced by a manager who earns $10 an hour, who can barely afford a living. Profits only benefit a central corporation and savvy investors. Imagine if every Starbucks was independently owned or franchised. There would be thousands of new millionaires in the United States.
One thing for sure is that now I have immense distaste for corporate retailers, specifically in the coffee, restaurant, and book industry. Corporations might provide cheaper service, but it comes at the expense of service diversity, culture, and economy. The position of an independent business owner, who might be middle class, own a house, and spend his money locally, has been replaced by a manager who earns $10 an hour, who can barely afford a living. Profits only benefit a central corporation and savvy investors. Imagine if every Starbucks was independently owned or franchised. There would be thousands of new millionaires in the United States.
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I agree that if I were a bookseller I'd see this as an opportunity. Nab these people and give them a discount voucher or a list of recommendations or something. Or refer them to your fabulous website. It's a bit the same as me wondering around the clothes shops, not buying anything, but then going and buying some fabric and making my own creation. But these days I don't do that so much as it's much easier and cheaper to buy from the clothes shop. And this is a bit off the topic but I don't think people are always necessarily going online to buy what they've seen in the bookstore - some of them will be heading off to their nearest library instead. As a librarian I've encountered this countless times over the years. However I know it happens in reverse too. People will borrow a book from the library to test drive and love it so much they want to own a copy or buy one for a head back to the local bookshop with their $$. And as a children's librarian I probably have given bookshops thousands of dollars of business over the years by giving recommendations for good books to buy. A good relationship between a library and bookshop is mutually beneficial.
Lee,many thanks for your thoughtful comments.I well recall during my Napier bookselling days the close and mutually advantageous relationship that existed between our bookshop and the Napier Public Library.
I believe that it's everyone's right to 'not buy today', to browse and take notes from our selection (actually we DO lend a lot of note paper for the pols section. . .) and I don't assume they are all researching for a better deal online. I guess there are occasions when this surely does happen (tho how could I really know unless told) but everyone is arriving at their own "buy local" decisions in their own time, and some - many actually - customers are fabulously politicised about independent literary booksellers. They know that "buy local" is not just about food. They know they matter to us in a more tangible way.
The online habit has prevailed however, so we've been doing comparitive imports this year on special orders. Usually there's only a day's difference in supply, sometimes we're faster than amazon, sometimes 3 days behind, one time 16 days ahead. Prices: usually a dollar or two each way between us and amazon on a one book order. Only a small % of our customers order more than one book when they're special ordering.
I agree about the good cross-fertilising library connection too. Thanks for bringing us this story.
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