A letter just in from specialist arts bookseller Helen Parsons.
Bookman Beattie is pleased to help Helen. A very specialist subject but I'm sure there will be those out there who will want to see this book.
Do you mind that I send you another author/self publisher's contact details?
These people often talk to us during the research and planning process. We very much enjoy that contact, especially when the book is well produced, well written.
Brian Peet
7 Otahuri Crescent
Auckland 1051
Phone 09 520 3618
These self-publishers get their books completed, but don't know about the publicity options.
The Seuffert Legacy; New Zealand Colonial Master Craftsmen. The Craft of Anton Seuffert & his Sons William, Albert, & Carl.
By Brian Peet
HB $95.00
A fine book. 208 pages.Index; Bibliography; Family Tree; Listing and description of New Zealand Native Timbers; Restorers' notes.......
Illustrations on just about every page. Mainly colour; some black and white.
Thank you,
Helen Parsons
Parsons Bookshop in Auckland,
26 Wellesley Street East, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Ph +64 9 303 1557. Fax +64 9 357 0877. books@parsons.co.nz
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