Dominion Post Books Editor, and book blogger, Guy Somerset has been appointed as the new Arts and Books Editor at the Listener, a position he will hold from January 2, 2008.
From this date, Guy can be reached at the Listener at guy.somerset@listener.co.nz. He finishes at the Dominion Post on December 28.
Congratulations Guy. You are taking on what is in my opinion the most influential book review post in the country and I wish you the very best.

Bookman Beattie hopes that with the departure from the Listener of veteran staffer Denis Welch, who has been a longtime supporter of the arts generally and books particularly, that his very popular and entertaining Culture Vulture column might be taken over by Guy Somerset.
Farewell Denis, we salute you and thank you for long & distinguished service. You will be greatly missed.
Thank you for your kind wishes, Graham. I will indeed be continuing Culture Vulture, but as an arts and books blog on the Listener website. Once one gets a taste for these things (ie Shelf Life at www.stuff.co.nz/blogs/shelflife), it's hard to give up.
Denis has indeed done a great job at the listener, and we now look forward to seeing what Guy will bring to it. Have enjoyed his book pages in the Dominion too... so who is taking over there?
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