WEARING INK – the art of tattoo in New Zealand
Dean Johansson $40
The traditions of Maori & Polynesian cultures to contemporary comic book art, its is all in here.Full colour ohotographs on every page showing some of the best examples of tattoo art in New Zealand today.
Fascinating stuff.
THE SECRETS OF A SAUCE QUEEN – Over 100 sauce recipes for New Zealanders
Trudie Burnham $30
From the sauce queen herself these sauces are arranged under the following headings: mayonnaises & uncooked sauces, dipping sauces, salsas, pestos, salad dressings, marinades & glazes, cooked sauces, dessert & sweet sauces. Complete with index, glossary, and shopping guide for both New Zealand and Australian cooks.
Shame about the lack of colour photographs., not the same in black & white.
Ian D. Robinson $40
This gorgeous book with lavish colour photographs on every page (more than 200 of them) deserves to find its way into every holiday home on the Coromandel this summer. When you read/view this book you can readily understand the popularity of this region as both a holiday home and a place of permanent residence. Makes you want to jump in the car and race over there.
Glad to see our favourite, Opito Bay, is featured. Brilliant.
Ian Robinson is an Auckland-based travel writer and photographer who has holidayed on the Coromandel since he was a young boy.
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