a long way gone
Ishmael Beah Harper Collins $26
There has been a lot of controversy over this title, see earlier postings on this blog, but there is one thing about the book that is irrefutable - it is a totally compelling, heartbreaking, eloquent and truly remarkable piece of writing. Three of us read it over a recent weekend and none of us could put it down once started. It is nothing less than astonishing. Read it.
Laura Stoddart Orion $28
This delightful collection of quotations (publication in NZ
1 March) is charmingly illustrated by Laura Stoddart.
I have a large collection of books of quotations but whereas most are of a general nature covering a huge range of subjects this one specifically features quotes on the subject of love. The sort of book you need when you are trying to think of a quote for a Valentine's Day card, or birthday card for that special person in your life.
A wonderful selection of quotes has been assembled but for me the book is special because of the gorgeous illustrations by noted UK artist Laura Stoddart. Quite quite stunning.
Martin Booth, Bantam, $28
The great English writer Martin Booth was diagnosed with a brain tumour in October 2002 and the prognosis was not good. While he was convalescing "with a metal plate and half a dozen screws in my head, and most of the cancer still in situ" his two children, both young adults asked him to tell them about his early life.
This hugely entertaining and beautifully written memoir is the result and tells of Booth's primary school years in the 1950's when he lived in Hong Kong. I suspect that Booth did not live to see his memoir published as he died in February 2004. A great loss.
His The Industry of Souls, shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1998, is one of my all-time favourite novels. For more about Booth read his obituary from The Guardian.
Paul Torday Weidenfeld & Nicolson $39
Paul Torday has enjoyed a remarkable, albeit to date quite brief career as a writer. Since retiring from commercial life three years ago he has written two novels, both with somewhat long-winded, slightly ridiculous titles. The first, which enjoyed huge world-wide sales, was Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, and now he has followed that up with The Irresistible Inheritance of Wiberforce.
Like his first novel this is a highly original piece of fiction which I have no doubt will be another best-seller. I found the first section of the novel, set in 2006, utterly compelling and un-put-downable. The story then works backwards through, 2004, 2003 and 2002 and I'm afraid that for me he dosen't quite make this back-in-time technique work. However I haver spoken to others who enjoyed it from beginning to end. There is no doubting Torday's fertile imagination and ability to write and I'm sure we are going to read a lot more of his work in the years to come.
Perhaps that it just that the first book was essentially upbeat and positive whereas this one is pretty dark dealing with obsession and addiction with the protagonist, Wilberforce, being an extreme alcoholic.

trinny & susannah
Weidenfeld & Nicolson $48
Published in November last this book is about to be given a huge push by the impending visit of its two celebrity authors, Trinny & Susannah.
After years of assessing & dressing women on their massively popular tv series our two authors have identified the “twelve body shapes of women” and in this profusely illustrated, accessible book they define the characteristics of these shapes and explain where mistakes are made and how these mistakes can be overcome at home by wearing the kinds of shirts, trousers, jackets, shoes etc that they identify.
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