Sunday, May 15, 2011


Report by Annie Boyd

How many hundreds of us packed into the Grand Ballroom at the Langham
all seduced by the prospect of not only a delicious high tea, but also by listening to four great panellists, all involved in food to varying extents.

Sarah-Kate Lynch (her books always have a food theme) who is always deliciously frank, entertaining and witty; Al Brown (left), whose humble nature almost makes you forget he is one of NZ's top chefs, (a cook as A.A.Gill would prefer); Annabel Langbein, who is fun, quite intense and most knowlegeable; and A.A.Gill who ably put food writing into perspective - "it's about the chairs around the table, love, loss, nostalgia and seduction!"

Ably chaired by Lauraine Jacobs (right) who never lost control of her formidable team of able panellists.
PS - my favourite line came from Al Brown who compared recipes to "culinary love letters."

Annie Boyd is a fashion consultant and occasional reviewer on this blog.

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