Centre for New Zealand Studies
Birkbeck, University of London
The Centre for New Zealand Studies is pleased to announce the following forthcoming events. All numbered sessions are free.
Any enquiries to Dr Ian Conrich ian@ianconrich.co.uk.
Session 92 Wednesday
29 April 2009Centre for New Zealand Studies,
Rm. 330, North Block, Senate House,Malet St.,
London WC16.30-8.00
Professor Francine Tolron (University of Avignon), author of La Nouvelle Zélande: histoire et représentation (2000), translator of the French edition of The Whale Rider (2003), co-editor of the journal Cultures of the Commonwealth and of the collection Flight from Certainty: The Dilemma of Identity and Exile (2001).
Reading Group session 11
Wednesday 29 April 2009
Centre for New Zealand Studies,
Rm. 330, North Block, Senate House,Malet St.,
London WC16.30-8.30

The Reading Group has been active at the Centre since 2007. It meets each month and discusses NZ books in a friendly informal setting, supported by a few glasses of wine.
Each session focuses on one book; The Vintner's Luck, by Elizabeth Knox, for this month. Please email Mary Ensor ensor.ressel@btinternet.com if you would like to come to this session.
Session 93
Thursday 30 April 2009
Centre for New Zealand Studies,
Rm. 330, North Block, Senate House,Malet St.,
London WC16.30-8.00
Robin Hyde's Life Writing
Dr Mary Paul (Massey University) is a leading authority on Robin Hyde.
She is the author of Her Side of the Story: Readings of Mander, Mansfield and Hyde (1999), and co-editor of New Women's' Fiction 3 (1989), and The New Poets: Initiatives in New Zealand Poetry (1987).
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