As RSVPs soar, the National Library of N.Z. is providing a larger venue for the big RAW 09 Wellington event on May 5, the ARANZ Lecture by New Zealand biographer Joanne Drayton (below left). Dr Drayton will reveal the Lost Memories she unearthed in personal correspondence archives as she researched for her books on Kiwi “Queen of Crime” Ngaio

Bookings for the early evening event, a highlight of the ARANZ Records and Archives Week (RAW09) celebration of archivists and recordkeepers, were pushing up to maximum attendance for the Archives New Zealand Training Room. The National Library stepped in with its 300-seat Auditorium theatre for the lecture by the writer who was National Library Fellow for 2007.
Joanne Drayton spent the year delving the Alexander Turnbull Library correspondence archives pre

The archives at the National Library and the Auckland Art Gallery’s Eric McCormick library were sources for Dr Drayton’s 2005 biography, Frances Hodgkins: A Private Viewing. She remembers: “When it comes to illuminating private details in correspondence - Hodgkins' are second to none!” She adds: “Rhona Haszard's letters in the Te Papa Archives were also pretty hot!”
The NZ book world has backed the RAW09 event.
Biggest Kiwi literary Web log, Auckland-based Graham Beattie’s Book Blog, has plugged it. The Wellington City Library, Unity Books, Whitcoulls, the Millwood Gallery and other Wellington booksellers have alerted staff and customers with posters and blog notices. One Beattie’s Bookblog watcher commented: “Hodgkins fascinates me. Her art was sublime, but what did her letters reveal? Can't wait.” Christchurch novelist and crime-writer, Vanda Symon wrote to the blog: “Makes me wish I was in Welly.”
The ARANZ Wellington Branch records its thanks to the National Library of New Zealand for providing larger accommodation for this exciting ARANZ Lecture, saving the branch the embarrassment of turning attendance away.
When: Same time and date -- May 5, 2009, 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
Where: The Auditorium, National Library of N.Z., Aitken Street, Thorndon, Wellington (see map here).
Entrance fee: Gold coin to cover reception catering.
RSVP immediately or by close of business, Monday, May 4, 2009, to Mark Crookston, at mark.crookston@archives.govt.nz.
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