Andersen joins e-books trail
15.04.09 Caroline Horn reporting in The Bookseller
15.04.09 Caroline Horn reporting in The Bookseller
Andersen Press is the latest children’s publisher to introduce e-books and has plans to publish 23 young adult titles as e-books this year. It will kick off its new list next month with the launch eight titles including books by Henning Mankell, Melvin Burgess and Berlie Doherty.
The main children’s publishing houses each have around 100 books available as e-books, with Puffin leading the way at about 150 titles. All plan to increase the number of e-books dramatically this year, with RHCB expecting to have about 300 titles available by the end of the year.
Andersen m.d. Klaus Flugge said: "It looks like e-books are the future and we are certain that teenagers will want to download books, although the e-book market has had a very slow start."
The main children’s publishing houses each have around 100 books available as e-books, with Puffin leading the way at about 150 titles. All plan to increase the number of e-books dramatically this year, with RHCB expecting to have about 300 titles available by the end of the year.

Andersen m.d. Klaus Flugge said: "It looks like e-books are the future and we are certain that teenagers will want to download books, although the e-book market has had a very slow start."
The company created a new digital role last year, employing Helen Simpson to take forward its digital developments.
Jason Craig, digital sales director at Penguin, said: "We now have a simultaneous programme in place with each of our new releases. If we have rights in place, we will publish an e-book alongside printed books." Around 10 to 20 new Puffin titles will be published as e-books each month during 2009.
A spokesman for Macmillan said: "Children tend to be open minded about new technologies and there is now a generation growing up for whom digital content is the norm, so it’s important we have our children’s books digitised. Over the next year we will be publishing many of our frontlist titles as e-books in line with the print publication as well as producing e-books from our backlist."
Alex Ingram, Waterstone’s e-book buyer, said the retailer now offered nearly 10,000 titles as e-books through Waterstones.com with a recent high-profile addition being Stephenie Meyer’s books, which are "leading the way for teen e-book sales".
Other key authors available for this market include Jacqueline Wilson, Louise Rennison and Garth Nix. Waterstone’s is inviting readers to suggest titles they would like to see as e-books.
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