Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Contemporary Illustrations for Famous Novels

Contemporary Illustrations for Famous Novels

By Alison Nastasi on

California-based artist Paul Rogers, who we were introduced to via Lost at E Minor, recently illustrated Jack Kerouac’s Beat Generation tale On the Road page by page (after the jump). The line drawings feature excerpts from the 1957 novel and offer an alternative view of the familiar and influential story. The work inspired us to search out other illustrations of famous novels — those stories that didn’t necessarily contain images to begin with, but have been brought to life by contemporary artists. … Read More

In Defense of Malcolm Gladwell’s “Oversimplifying” Journalism

We’re in the middle, or maybe it’s the tail end, of a Malcolm Gladwell backlash. Sure, his books still sell in the kind of numbers that your average author only sees in his wildest dreams. Sure, he may be responsible for that entire field now known, somewhat dubiously, as “ideas” journalism. He may even be indirectly responsible for the über-popularity of TED Talks, which seem to take their inspiration from the Gladwellian “chew-it-up-and-spit-out-an-idea” oeuvre. But among what today passes for the intelligentsia, he’s come under fire. … Read More

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