Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cook the Books launches Coromandel Flavour

10 December 2012 - Lyn Potter

On Sunday afternoon I went to the launching of "Coromandel Flavour" A Year of Cooking at the Bach by Deborah Hide -Bayne at Cook the Books in Grey Lynn. It's a charming recipe book full of seasonal recipes using fresh and locally sourced ingredients . The illustrations and photographs give a real sense of place and have given her a chance to showcase her considerable talent as an artist and graphic designer.

For cooks who love recipe books "Cook the Books" is a great place to browse and choose. One other recipe book by nearby Richmond Road Primary School especially caught my eye. I taught there several decades ago. At that time almost all the students were from the Pacific Islands. Now it is a much more multicultural school and this is reflected in the recipes and the smiling faces of the kids.

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