Paul Reynolds of McGovern & Associates is currently in Seoul at an OECD Ministerial on the future of the Internet Economy . He is on the New Zealand delegation with Minister David Cunliffe.
Paul Reynolds of McGovern & Associates is currently in Seoul at an OECD Ministerial on the future of the Internet Economy . He is on the New Zealand delegation with Minister David Cunliffe.
I think of Paul as Mr.Internet NZ but of course in ages gone by he was a bookseller. His firm, McGovern & Associates are generous sponsors of the Auckland Writers & Readers Festival.
He will be blogging about his Korean trip in due course I have no doubt but first up he has entered the Montana fray to protest against the exclusion of the Big Picture by Hamish Keith .
He will be blogging about his Korean trip in due course I have no doubt but first up he has entered the Montana fray to protest against the exclusion of the Big Picture by Hamish Keith .
Read his comments at McGovern online.
And read The Bookman's comments on The Big Picture posted on this blog in December 2007.
The Bookman is not going to get himself involved in any arguements as to what should or should not have been selected. Publishers and authors all know that entering titles for book awards anywhere is always something of a lottery, that is the nature of the beast. And really the decisions made are obviously subjective and personal and there is no way around that. There is controversy every year in every award and it will always be so.
However if visitors to my blog want to air their displeasure at what was or wasn't selected then I am happy to provide the forum for it to happen. Might as well be here as in the letters to the editor column of the newspapers.
The reviews in ART NEW ZEALAND and elsewhere may help Monsieur Reynolds understand the book's absence from the list
Here is a sly Mr anon at work again - I know it is bad taste to respond but I feel much moved to ask this cowardly blogger about the "elsewhere" they so courageously flourish - as far as I and my publisher knows Art NZ and one other are two exceptions of an overwhelmingly generous press to say nothing of sales close to 10,000.
Not up to me to say why TBP should or should not be in the Montana list - thats up to the judges- but really why dont these mean little anonymous bloggers have the courage of their sneers and put their names to them
I agree with Hamish - there is no place for anonoymous comments on this blog.
Graham I strongly advise you revist this policy.
Good article, you make some interesting points .
Book Stores data
Totally agree with Paul. Registered forums make for better debate. The only people who are moving this forward are the named / registered posters.
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