The ARANZ Lecture, 2009
Intimate Letters of NZ’s most Remarkable Women Travellers

The archives at the National Library and the Auckland Art Gallery’s Eric McCormick library were sources for Dr Drayton’s 2005 biography, Frances Hodgkins: A Private Viewing. She remembers: “When it comes to illuminating private details in correspondence - Hodgkins' are second to none!” She adds: “Rhona Haszard's letters in the Te Papa Archives were also pretty hot!”
The ARANZ Lecture highlights the theme for the ARANZ Records and Archives Week 2009 (RAW09) over the first week of May:
Dr Drayton’s ARANZ Lecture will be of fascination to artists, writers, jurists and historians, as well as archives, records and information management professionals.
When: May 5, 2009, 5.45pm to 7.30pm.
Where: Training Suite, Archives of New Zealand, 10 Mulgrave Street, Wellington.
Entrance fee: Gold coin to cover reception catering.
Earlybird registrations are advisable. Seating will be limited.
RSVP immediately or by close of business, Friday, May 1, 2009, to Mark Crookston, at mark.crookston@archives.govt.nz.
Earlybird registrations are advisable. Seating will be limited.
RSVP immediately or by close of business, Friday, May 1, 2009, to Mark Crookston, at mark.crookston@archives.govt.nz.
Listener feature on Joanne Drayton.
Makes me wish I was in Welly.
Well done ARANZ Wellington! I gather Dr Drayton is an engaging presenter and relish the opportunity to hear her speak next month...
Hodgkins fascinates me. Her art was sublime, but what did her letter reveal? Can't wait.
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