Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How To Quit Amazon In 3 Easy Steps


KNSY via Getty Images

I do not buy books, desk lamps, dog toys, plasticware, underwear, DVDs, or running shorts from Amazon. Additionally, I do not buy anything else from Amazon (which is not to say that I haven't been tempted to on many different occasions). When I tell people this, their reaction could best be described as, "looks as though he/she just saw a python consume a living human."

"But how?" my 20-something peers implore. The question seems to be on everyone's mind. How does one stop purchasing books, and also many other things, from a company that has been repeatedly accused of price fixing, and has gone so far as to delay shipments and remove pre-order buttons on forthcoming titles.?

In a comprehensive piece for The New Yorker, George Packer asks, "Amazon is good for customers. But is it good for books?" (TL;DR: no). Still, how is one supposed to sacrifice eight-second delivery times and three-cent paperbacks? HOW?! It is, in your defense, a complicated process. But here are three steps to get you started:

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