Friday, May 16, 2014

Auckland Writers Festival launches in style

The best dressed folks in town were to be found in large numbers at the Aotea Centre last night for the grand opening of the annual of the Auckland Writers Festival.
Indeed there were so many in attendance that the uppermost balcony had to be opened to accomodate everyone.

And what a superb opening event - New Zealand Listener Gala Night - True stories told live: truth & lies.

Eight authors each with seven minutes to entertain us - a true story scriptless and propless.
Nigerian poet Inua Ellams, NZ photographer Marti Friedlander, British historian Huw Lewis-Jones, Women's Prize for Fiction winner A.M.Holmes, best-selling NZ novelist Sarah-Kate Lynch, trainspotter Irvine Welsh and writer Alexander McCall Smith.

What a bunch of talent, and how they entertained us, the roof came close to lifting on several occasions. A truly great night, a grand launch event. Such fun.

And afterwards at a function to welcome the authors Mayor Len Brown capped off a great evening by announcing a new annual $10,000 scholarship for an Auckland writer which will be awarded for the first time later this year. Bravo.

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