Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"The Last Lion - William Spencer Churchill " keeps The Bookman in city carpark

Yesterday afternoon I was driving in to the city and as is my wont was listening to Radio New Zealand National. Jim Mora was interviewing American journalist/ historian/biographer Paul Reid who was asked by William Manchester, in late 2003 and in failing health, to complete this book...... Nine years later and here it is.

I found the interview utterly fascinating and as a result ended up sitting in my car in the Victoria Street carpark for 20 minutes or so as I couldn't pull myself away and had to hear the whole discussion.
Thanks Jim Mora for a most interesting, revealing interview with your generous and articulate guest. Great radio.

I left the carpark and headed straight to Unity Books where I purchased a copy of The Last Lion, an enormous hardcover book of almost 1200 pages. Goodness knows when I will get time to read it but all the reviewers are saying  that Paul Reid’s vol­ume is writ­ten in the Man­ches­ter style, as dra­matic and grip­ping as the first two vol­umes.

Little, Brown & Co - NZ$65.00

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