Sunday, April 05, 2015

Harper Lee elder abuse allegations declared 'unfounded' by Alabama

State closes investigation into allegations that the 88-year-old author was a victim of abuse in connection to the publication of her upcoming novel

Harper Lee at home in Monroeville, Alabama.
Harper Lee at home in Monroeville, Alabama. Photograph: Penny Weaver/AP
The state of Alabama has closed an investigation into allegations that the novelist Harper Lee, 88, was a victim of elder abuse in connection with the planned publication of a new novel bearing her name.
The state department of human resources has declared the allegations to be unfounded, according to a report that appeared first in the Wall Street Journal. Last month, the Alabama securities commission closed its own investigation into Lee’s condition.

HarperCollins, a News Corp company, is set to issue Lee’s new novel, Go Set a Watchman, in July, 55 years after the appearance of To Kill a Mockingbird. The new book is said to follow the story of Scout, the Mockingbird heroine, as an adult.

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