Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Did You Like The Fault in Our Stars? Here Are 7 More Books to Read

You've read John Green’s YA crossover, mega-best-seller/tearjerker The Fault in Our Stars, and you've read Rainbow Rowell, David Levithan, and all the books on the many "read this YA if you liked this YA" lists out there. And now you’re looking for more fucked-up and/or doomed romances to fuel your insatiable TFIOS fire, and we are here for you.

All seven of these books here have the same elements as Green’s story: a star-crossed romance; a shared obsession; the ability to make you cry at the end (and maybe the middle, and maybe the beginning); and crossover appeal. Grab a box of tissues and get ready to pick your favorite meet-cute: cancer group? Bible camp? Middle school? Being held prisoner in space?

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