Thursday, November 13, 2014

Jim Allen - The Skin of Years

Jim Allen, The Skin of Years
Clouds announce a new publication:
Jim Allen
The Skin of Years


Comprising recent interviews with New Zealand post-object artist and educator Jim Allen by art historian Tony Green and artist Phil Dadson, this book traces Allen’s full biography including his participation in WW2, and explore his activities as artist, teacher – and sailor – from the 1950s until the present day. This book attests to Allen’s great influence and diverse productivity, and to his dogged persistence to engage what he has called “the art of the possible.”
“…a new generation of artists has been discovering Allen, locating in his work a new genealogy for their for own endeavours. And so, as Allen’s installation, video, and performance work of the 1960s and 1970s has become more (and more widely) valued for its ground-breaking significance, it is also being recognised as the local precedent for present day art practices. Jim Allen is, we should now be saying, our first contemporary artist.”
— Wystan Curnow
“Biography is so often looked to by its readers – perhaps also its authors and subjects – as a means to identify some essential truth or kernel of experience that might distill, account for or even reconcile the fundamental contradictions and complexities that underpin any individual life. This is most pronounced when encountering the first-person voice of the subject. In this instance, however, the complexities and even contradictions inherent in a figure so influential in multiple guises across two countries are allowed to emerge and linger.”
— Blair French
Published by Clouds and Michael Lett
Interviews with the artist by Tony Green and
Phil Dadson, writing by Jim Allen, and introductions
by Wystan Curnow and Blair French.
ISBN: 978-0-9876593-6-1
340 pages
133 colour images and 372 black/white images
Edition: 1000
Dimensions: 230 x 177 x 30mm
Weight: 750gm
RRP: NZD$39.95
Availability: In stock

For further information visit:

Available from bookshops and

Clouds publishing
PO Box 68 187
Newton, Auckland 1145
Aotearoa New Zealand
+64 9 309 2604

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