Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ernest Hemingway never wrote drunk, says granddaughter Mariel Hemingway

Mariel Hemingway says that despite her grandfather's reputation as a drinker, Ernest Hemingway never wrote while under the influence of alcohol.

Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his novel 'The Old Man and the Sea' Photo: AP
“That’s not how he wrote,” the 51-year-old Manhattan actress says of The Old Man and the Sea author. “He never wrote drunk, he never wrote beyond early, early morning.”
She says he is often used to glamourise addiction. “So many writers glorify my grandfather’s way of living as much as they glorify his work. And so they try and mirror that,” she tells Interview Magazine. “I think it’s the misperception of addiction and living life on the edge, as if it’s cool.”
Last year’s man
At an Edinburgh Fringe performance of The Confessions of Gordon Brown, Nick Brown, the former agriculture minister, dominated the front row with his girth – and mirth. Sadly, the theme of the piece, of being yesterday’s man, applied to him more than the subject of the play.
During the play, Ian Grieve, as the hapless former prime minister, lays into the buffoonery of the Blair era cabinet – and defies the audience to name the then defence secretary.
A poignant silence in the auditorium ensued. “Geoff Hoon,” muttered Nick Brown, finally, with hardly anybody aware of his own identity. “You are an important man, and here is your badge of honour,” said Grieve, handing over a button, not knowing of the recipient either.


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