Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Why Fiction

What it is about fiction that I find so fulfilling?
I have just finished a most enjoyable holiday novel, and have been pondering on what it is about reading a good fiction book that makes me sigh, want to read more and want to find someone to talk to about it.
This particular story, was made up, but was based on real life. It felt real to me. I was transported to a different time but I could relate to each of the characters. I could relate to the plot. I could relate to the place or setting.
In other words, I felt connected. And, I gained through reading it.
  • I gained insight into human motivation and family relationship
  • I grieved with human alienation and loss
  • I was inspired by human loyalty and hope
  • I was frustrated by human frailty
  • I felt enormous empathy and compassion for the characters
  • I was confronted by historical and current international problems
  • I was left wondering about the feelings and circumstances of my own ancestors migration to New Zealand
I was deeply absorbed by story and couldn’t put it down. I wanted to follow through after the book had finished to find out “what next?”
So; back to my original question: Why fiction?
Read Glenda's full piece 

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