Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An invitation from Unity Books Wellington and the Royal Society of New Zealand

Unity Books and the Royal Society of New Zealand invites you to
Human Evolution: Neanderthals and Ancient Pathways from Africa to Britain
a lecture by Professor Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum
Saturday 25th February at the Embassy Theatre - 5.30pm for a 6pm start
$15 including glass of wine, $10 for students and RSNZ members. To reserve a seat register at
Professor Chris Stringer addresses the big questions: how can we define modern humans and how can we recognise our beginnings in the fossil and archaeological record? How can we accurately date fossils, including ones beyond the range of radiocarbon dating? What do the genetic data tell us? Were our origins solely in Africa? Are modern humans a distinct species from ancient people such as the Neanderthals and Denisovans, or are we much more like them than previously believed? The Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution has invited Professor Stringer to give this series of public talks, with support from the Royal Society of New Zealand.

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