Friday, March 23, 2007


Back on 6 December last I posted a blog on Beatrix Potter referiing to the movie, Miss Potter, and its novelisation by Richard Maltby.

Last night we finally got to see the movie at Auckland's most comfortable LIDO cinema and it proved to be a most enjoyable experience. I especially enjoyed the panoramic views of the Lake District, simply stunning.

I imagine the movie has made a huge world-wide impact on sales of the gorgeous Beatrix Potter Peter Rabbit series. It caused me to get out my set of the little books and revisit them this morning.

I also pulled down my copy of "A History of the Writings of Beatrix Potter" by Leslie Linder (now out of print) published by Frederick Warne in 1971 and reprinted with revisions in 1987.

Leslie Linder (1904-1973) was regarded as THE authority on Beatrix Potter. It was he who, 15 years after the Potter's death, succeded in cracking the secret code she used to note thoughts and observations in her diary. See the Beatrix Potter Collections website to read of the huge legacy of Leslie Linder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too had been looking forward to seeing Miss Potter at the movies and watched daily, after the announced commencement date of 15 March, for it to begin screening at West City Shopping Centre, home of my local cinema.
They have splendidly huge posters promoting the movie all over the mall, but after I finally made enquiries as to when it would be starting I was told that it won't be showing in Henderson at all.
We have at least 8 theatres in the cinema complex and I was gobsmacked that they would have so much promotion around but not show it there at all. Are Westies not 'cultured' enough in SkyCity's eyes for the lovely Miss Potter?