Sunday, August 18, 2013

Libraries use novel approach to ensure digital future

By Kathleen Dyett - ABC Aug 13, 2013 

In this digital age you could be forgiven to think libraries will soon become a thing of the past.
But libraries in Canberra are embracing the world of technology, proving they have more to offer than hard copy books.

Hundreds of Canberrans, like Ami Iacuone and her son Paul, are immersing themselves in the digital world through new programs at the Gungahlin Public Library's digital hub.
"The facilities they have here are just fantastic," Ms Iacuone said.
"We're here to learn how to use the iPad and how you use all the applications.
"It's learning the skills, literally keeping up with the modern technology then he can go back to school and he can use that at school to maybe produce a movie."

Mother and son Ami and Paul Iacuone learn how to use iPads during a program at the Digital Hub at the Gungahlin Library.

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