Saturday, September 20, 2014

Subway Reading Habits Chronicled In Photo Project



The following is an excerpt from The Last Book by Reinier Gerritsen:

In 2008, on a hot day in May, I was walking along the Thirty-Third Street subway platform in New York City. Suddenly they were there, as if I had asked them to pose for me. Red lips, a red bag, and a red sweater. The reds all happened to be in the right place. I pressed the button several times. A blond woman stood reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, a look of concentration on her face; she was clearly reading a sad part of the book. 
My second character was intently reading Ayn Rand. Another woman was reading a book from her Kindle device. Unfortunately, Kindle does not display the cover of the book being read, so I will never know what she was reading. 
In the background of the photograph I took that day, you can see a man looking suspiciously into my camera.


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