Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Time Traveler's Wife sequel from Niffenegger

Audrey Niffenegger is writing a sequel to her best-selling debut novel The Time Traveler’s Wife (Vintage).

The sequel is one of two books the author is currently working on, she revealed on Friday (15th August) as she gave the inaugural English PEN/HG Wells lecture as part of the World Science Fiction Convention, Loncon 3, at the ExCel centre.
As well as the sequel to The Time Traveler’s Wife, which has sold over 1.5m copies through Nielsen BookScan and was made into a film, Niffenegger is also writing a book called The Chincilla Girl in Exile.
“My own [writing] process tends to be slow,” Niffenegger said. “I don’t know if any of you have noticed that I don’t tend to crank out a novel every two weeks.

“At the moment I am working on two different novels and it’s kind of funny because they bleed into each other and I suddenly realise that I’m writing the same novel twice, so I’m trying to build little fences between them.


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