Thursday, February 06, 2014

Celebrate William S. Burroughs’ 100th Birthday With 12 Cultural Icons on His Influence

Celebrate William S. Burroughs' 100th Birthday With 12 Cultural Icons on His Influence

There are about a hundred tags that one could pin to William Burroughs, from lunatic to revolutionary, and just about everything in between. He is one of the most misunderstood artists of the last century — and also one of the most influential, his dirty fingerprint smudged all over the culture, from noise music to the films of David Cronenberg. 
Today, on his 100th birthday, we’re looking back at some of the icons who Burroughs had an impact on. It’s an impressive roster of names, but these 12 barely scratch the surface when it comes to just how far his influence stretches. … Read More

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