Thursday, February 06, 2014

Bodley Head Launches Major New Trade Paperback Series

Press Release

The Bodley Head is to launch a new series of trade paperbacks, featuring classic non-fiction titles – some new editions of titles currently under the Pimlico imprint and some originally published by The Bodley Head in hardback.

The list reflects The Bodley Head's reputation for excellence in non-fiction, bringing together landmark works from leading writers of history, biography, science and politics including acclaimed writers Norman Davies, Orlando Figes and John Keegan.

All the titles have bold new jacket designs created by Vintage designers James Jones and Matt Broughton who said: 'A series featuring such heavyweight authors and subject matter needed a design capable of integrating authority with modernity. For this, we chose close-cropped imagery – repeated in its entirety on the back-board – combined with a bold, confident type solution. The off-white uncoated stock adds a lightness of touch to complete a sophisticated, contemporary package.'

Stuart Williams, Publishing Director, said: 'We are delighted to launch these new trade paperback editions. Some imperishable classics are coming to the Bodley Head list for the first time in striking new editions that will breathe fresh life into them for the years ahead; and future-classic front-list titles with the potential to flourish in trade paperback at a higher price – like John Sugden's Nelson and Robert Caro's The Passage of Power – now can under the Bodley Head name.

We want all our books to be in the formats that best suit their readers, and we hope this takes a step in that direction. The majority of our books will meanwhile continue to go into Vintage in their paperback life.' 

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