Wednesday, November 02, 2011

broadsheet 8 features UK-based NZ poet John Gallas

"broadsheet is pleased to confirm that UK-based New Zealand poet John Gallas will feature in broadsheet 8 due for publication in November 2011.
Gallas left New Zealand in 1972 to study Old Icelandic and has lived in the UK ever since. He is currently based in Coalville, Leicestershire. 8 of his books have appeared from Carcanet in Manchester and in 2011 he published a trilogy of chapbooks, F***ing Poets, through Roger Hickin’s Cold Hub Press in the South Island of New Zealand.
Other poets confirmed for broadsheet 8 are: Craig Cliff, Michael Duffett (USA), Roger Hickin, Rex Hunter, Cameron La Follette (USA), Chris McCabe (UK), Mary McCallum, Michael O’Leary, Harry Ricketts, Laura Solomon, Yilma Tafere Tasew, Paul Wolffram and F W N (Nielsen) Wright.
Web site:"

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