Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I saw We're Here to Help on Saturday night. I remembered Russell Baillie's dismissive review of it and his awarding the film two stars only. I was so incensed at what I considered an injustice to this film that I emailed this letter to The NZ Herald on Sunday morning. It has not been published. Readers might like to comment whether they think The Herald was right, or whether I should have been more temperate in my comments... RH

On Saturday night I went to see "We're Here To Help", the South Pacific Pictures film based on Dave Henderson's battle with the Inland Revenue that lasted several years. It was well acted, written and directed and a good David versus Goliath story. It's a timely reminder of the power of bureaucracies with the added bonus that it was set in New Zealand and featured well-known politicians such as Rodney Hide and Bill Birch.
After it finished I asked another couple what they thought of it."Outstanding" was the response. In being unnecessarily arrogant and dismissive, your reviewer Russell Baillie did not only a disservice to this film but to Herald readers.

Roger Hall

Footnote from BB: Pic shows Michael Hurst with Rodney Hide whom he plays in the movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I saw that movie yesterday with my daughter. From an entertainment perspective it kept us pinned to our seats, our eyes blinkless, our mouths open at the horror of bureaucracy. It certainly gives the IRD a bad name. Hopefully they've cleaned up their act since. Anyway, I thought overall the film was brilliant, the actors excellent.