Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Random House NZ Authors - Finalists in Gourmand’s ‘Best in the World’ Awards

by Random House NZ on 3 February 2014

Finalists in Gourmand’s ‘Best in the World’ Awards

Three Random House New Zealand authors are among the acclaimed International food writers competing for the ultimate title of ‘Best in the World’ at the Gourmand Word Cookbook Awards.

The shortlisted authors and their books are Michael Van de Elzen for The Food Truck Cookbook No.2 in the Best Street Food Cookbook category; Nadia Lim for Nadia Lim’s Good Food Cookbook in the Best TV English Cookbook category; and Robert Oliver for Mea’ai Samoa in the Best TV English Cookbook category.

“We are just so delighted for Nadia, Mike and Robert,” says Random House Publishing Director Nicola Legat. “They’re up against some stellar authors from all around the globe, and we wish them the very best of luck.”

The Best in the World will be announced during the Beijing Cookbook Fair on 20-21 May 2014 in the Daxing Theatre, Beijing.

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