Sunday, October 05, 2014

Rob Lamb, printer/publisher, writes from Oamaru

Rob Lamb writes:

Hi Graham - here’s a copy of my book about my trip to the Isle of Man for the T.T. this year. Copies are available from me for $40 postage free in NZ. 
And, also, the book I did for Iain Britton - an Auckland poet you’ll no doubt know of. Iain’s book was printed by me when I was Gumtree Press. 
I've been in Oamaru going on 2 years now. I have a shop in the Victorian precinct with mountains of cast iron and lead. 

Iain’s book is all letterpress, of course while mine is digitally printed. Would’ve taken a wee bit too long to handset. Mirrorcity came about when myself and Dave Merritt heard about some printing gear in Oamaru. We came up for a look, was shown a huge room absolutely full of press’s, linotypes, casters and much much more. The Trust, who run the street, asked (on the spot!) If I’d like to be the Precinct printer, offering me all this amazing equipment and a very large space in the old Textile Exchange. I agreed on the spot - what letterpress printer wouldn't!? 

And here I am. Although letterpress work is very thin on the ground I manage quite well and get to spread the LP word. I’m also taking on students with 2 of mine going on to buy presses and set up their own studios. Which is what its all about.

I’m at work now on Stephen Oliver’s words and then Peter Old’s while also in the middle of printing Trevor Reeves last poems. I met Trevor last year a couple of weeks before he passed and asked him if I could print/publish his work. I’m still communicating with his family about this, some minor hiccups which will be ironed out soon. 

I’ve also finished a ‘book’ for Cilla McQueen which is selling well. Its actually a series of poems, handset and printed on good board and comes in a 12 in record cover. I’m doing the same with Stephen and Peter’s work. An idea I came up with which seems to go well with the letterpress look - and saves a bit on binding.

Here you go, enjoy and have a nice day. 
Rob Lamb - mirrorcity letterpress - Harbour St. Oamaru 

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