Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Palette of Poetry

Ruth Arnison reports in from Dunedin:

We haven't got WOW in Dunedin but we're sure having a week or two of wowing our residents and visitors.
The Art Festival of Dunedin has the city buzzing and a smaller but wonderful buzz is emanating from the Community Gallery  where Poems in the Waiting Room's 2014 exhibition, A Palette of Poetry, has swung into its second week.

32 artists have created 60 artworks in response to poems I've had published over the last ten years. Works range from mixed media and masks to chocolate bouquets and oil paintings. The commission on all sales goes towards supporting the continuation of the Poems in the Waiting Room project.
Last week Doc Drumheller, David Eggleton, Sue Wootton and Pat White read at our Four Poets event. Lynn Taylor has tutored two Print Poem Book Workshops and we end on Sunday 19th with Aaron Hawkins chairing a Questions and Artists session.
Thirteen artworks have been reproduced as postcards with the poem they responded to on the back accompanied by the words when there's no need for words but you want to stay in touch, send a PoARTry card.

The Peter Olds artwork, by James Dignan, has attracted a fair amount of attention. My poem,You can't take a duck home, was inspired by Peter's poem of the same name. Further artworks can be seen on the facebook page, A Palette of Poetry, or on my blog, apaletteofpoetry.wordpress.com

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