Monday, October 13, 2014

A Hot Spot Poetry Tour of New Zealand Details

Paula Green is setting off on a poetry tour to celebrate poetry for and by children, her two new books (The Letterbox Cat with Scholastic and A Treasury of NZ Poems for Children with Random House) and her blog NZ Poetry Box. She will be keeping a travel diary on her blog over the month.

With thanks to Creative New Zealand, Random House, Scholastic and The New Zealand Book Council

Where: Gisborne, New Plymouth, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin, Queenstown, Arrowtown, Tauranga, Papamoa and Auckland

Who: Elizabeth Smither, Apirana Taylor, Anna Jackson, Maria McMillan, Richard Langston, Adrienne Jansen, Fifi Colston, Melanie Drewery, Rachel Bush, Fiona Farrell, Gavin Bishop, Bill Nagelkirke, Greg O’Connell, James Norcliffe, Helen Jacobs, Doc Drumheller, David Eggleton, Sue Wootton, Jenny Powell, Elizabeth Pulford, Kyle Mewburn, Brian Turner, Wendy Clarke, Pauline Cartwright, Peter Bland, Elena de Roo, Tessa Duder, Stephanie Mayne, Claire Gummer, John Parker, Siobhan Harvey, Tamsin Flynn

Te Papa Wellington, Puke Ariki New Plymouth

Wainui Beach School, Ormond School, Matawai School, Egmont Village School, Woodleigh School, Frankley School, Ngaio School, Adventure School, Te Aro School, Brooklyn School, Karori West School, St Brigid’s School, Lyall Bay School, Pakakariki School, Kapanui School, Newbury School, Khandallah School, Pauatahanui School, St Joseph’s School Nelson, Russley School, Fendalton School, Cobham Intermediate, Kirkwood Intermediate, Ilam School, Lyttelton School, Paparoa School, Medbury School, Freeville School, Redcliffs School, Selwyn House School, East-Taieri School, Columbia College, Remarkables School, Arrowtown School, Queenstown School, Golden Sands School, Maungatapere School, Kamai School, Gladstone School, Richmond Road School, Ellerslie School, Freemans Bay School, St Kentigern’s School, Cornall Park District School, Upper Harbour Primary School, Royal Oak Primary School, Westmere School

Taranaki Libraries, Eltham Library, Wellington Libraries, Porirua Library, Nelson Libraries, South Library, Dunedin Libraries, Queenstown Library, Tauranga City Library, Auckland Libraries, National Library

Muir’s Bookshop, Poppies New Plymouth, New Plymouth Paper Plus, Children’s Bookshop Wellington, Page & Blackmoore, University Bookshop Christchurch, University Bookshop Dunedin, Paper Plus Queenstown Airport, Children’s Bookshop Auckland

Events open to the public involving local authors and children:

Tuesday 14th October
4pm -  5pm                             Muirs Bookshop Event        62 Gladstone Rd, Gisborne   06 8679741

Wednesday 15th October
6.30pm                                    Puke Ariki Event (6.30pm start) 1 Ariki St, New Plymouth 06-759 6060

Friday 17th October
4pm -  5pm                             Porirua Library Event  (just Paula)
Corner of Norrie and Parumoana Streets, Porirua City
04-237 1543

Saturday 18th October 
10.30 – 11.30am                     Children’s Bookshop (just Paula)
26 Kilbirnie Plaza, Kilbirnie, Wellington 6022,  04 387 3905

Sunday 19th October
1pm - 2pm                              Te Papa Event - the Marae 55 Cable St, Wellington 6011
04-381 7000

Monday 20th October 
4pm - 5pm                              Page and Blackmore Event 254 Trafalgar St, Nelson, 7010, 03-548 9992

Tuesday 21st October
6pm – 8pm                             Russley School Hal 75 Cutts Road, Christchurch 8042      03-342 7783

Wednesday 22nd October
6.30 -  9pm                             Canterbury Poets Collective Reading  (Paula Guest Poet, adult poetry)
CIPIT  Lecture Theatre Southern end Madras Street

Saturday 25th October 
1.30pm – 2.30pm                   UBS Event     378 Great King St, North Dunedin, Dunedin                                                    03 477 6976
Tuesday 28th October
5pm – 6pm                             Remarkables School Hall Event  49 Lake Ave, Frankton, Queenstown  03-441 4044

Wednesday 5th November
4pm – 5pm                             Tauranga Library Event 91 Willow St, Tauranga 
07 577 7177

Saturday 8th November

2pm - 4pm                              National Library Event Event   8 Stanley St, Auckland 1010  09-365 8800

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