Sunday, March 16, 2014

Is it True? The facts behind the things we have been told

Is it True?
The facts behind the things we have been told
Max Cryer

Myth busting common beliefs

What if some of the most fundamental ‘facts’ we were told as children turned out not to be true?

Is kiwifruit native to New Zealand?  Is the dove a sign of peace?  Do Brazil  nuts come from Brazil?  Tulips come from Holland, don’t they? Did Winston Churchill coin the  term ‘Iron Curtain’?

 In his new book Is It True? Max Cryer sheds light on ideas and beliefs we were told as kids with  his trademark wit and meticulous research skills.

The book covers a diverse range of subjects including social history, language, music, politics and the natural world. He uncovers the truth between what we think we know and how things actually are.

Max’s myth-busting and meticulous research makes you stop and think as he explodes long-held assumptions. He reminds us in an engaging and lighthearted way that there is a fine line between  fact and fiction.

 Is it True? Is a fun book, entertaining and informative, revealing the truth behind a host of widely  held beliefs.

 Exisle Publishing - $29.99 - Note publication 1 April, 2014

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