Sunday, December 08, 2013

When Ian Rankin met Arthur Conan Doyle: An extract from Dead Interviews

With the help of a Ouija board, Ian Rankin summons the spirit of Conan Doyle to discuss Sherlock, Rebus, and the best way to kill off a character

Author Ian Rankin, who 'talked' to Arthur Conan Doyle
Author Ian Rankin, who 'talked' to Arthur Conan Doyle  Photo: Martin Pope

Arthur Conan Doyle: What’s happening? What am I doing here?
Ian Rankin: Amazing what you can do with a Ouija board and a bit of channelling, Sir Arthur.
ACD: Wait, I recognise this place. Calton Hill, is it not?
IR: I brought you here so you could get a panoramic view of the city of your birth. I notice you’ve still got the accent, too.
ACD: I was brought up in Edinburgh. I attended university here.
Who are you?
IR: I’m a novelist, same as you. I write about a detective. In fact, one of the things I wanted to talk to you about was the similarity between us.
ACD: What’s that monstrosity down yonder?
IR: Next to the Palace of Holyroodhouse? That’s the Scottish parliament.
ACD: You mean Scotland has broken from England?
IR: Not exactly. I forgot – you’re a Unionist, aren’t you? Ran for Parliament in Edinburgh a couple of times.
ACD: I did.
IR: Unsuccessfully.
ACD: Must we dwell on that? Are you an Edinburgh man?
IR: Only latterly. Like you – I was brought up working class, but north of here. I came to Edinburgh as a student. I’d started writing.
ACD: As did I. As a child I wrote and illustrated my own stories. 

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