9:05 Lou Sanson: Antarctica
9:45 Ollie Hughes, Jared Lee and Lily Mason Mackay: physics fight
10:05 Playing Favourites with Dominic Kelly
11:05 Quinn Berentson: the moa
8:15 Andrew Beaujon
Andrew Beaujon reports on the media for Poynter Online.
He was previously arts editor at TBD.com and managing editor of Washington City
Paper, and is the author of the 2006 book Body Piercing Saved My Life, about
Christian rock and evangelical Christian culture.http://www.poynter.org/author/abeaujon/page/3/
8:30 Derek Grzelewski
Derek Grzelewski is a writer, filmmaker, former
professional fly-fishing guide and founder of the Wanaka Flyfishing Academy. He
is a regular contributor to New Zealand Geographic, Australian Geographic,
Smithsonian, Flylife and Midcurrent, hosts the popular Trout Diaries podcast,
and is the author of 2011 book The Trout Diaries, and new book The Trout
Bohemia: Fly-fishing Travels in New Zealand (Bateman, ISBN: 978-1-86953-824-78).
Lou Sanson has been the Chief Executive of Antarctica New Zealand for the past 11 years, and finishes with the organisation on 13 September. He will take on the Chief Executive role at the Department of Conservation on 16 September.
9:45 Ollie Hughes, Jared Lee and Lily Mason Mackay
Hughes and Jared Lee are students at Onslow College in Wellington, and Lily
Mason Mackay is a student at Wellington High School. They were part of a team
of five New Zealand students at the week-long International Young Physicists'
Tournament in Taipei, where they competed against teams from 26 countries,
presenting and debating their own research in a series of physics problems and
challenges. The team finished sixth, and Jared Lee won the premier trophy for
Best Review of a challenge.
10:05 Playing Favourites with Dominic Kelly
Dominic Kelly
is the owner of cult beer bar Hashigo Zake, and a distributor for a range of
local craft beers. He will speak at a seminar (Where To from Beer?), at the
annual Beervana event in Wellington (9-10 August, Westpac Stadium).
11:05 Quinn Berentson
On Saturday 10 August 2013 during Great Encounters
between 6:06pm and 7:00pm on Radio New Zealand National, you can hear a repeat
broadcast of Kim Hill's interview from 3 August with Leilani Tamu.
Next Saturday, 17 August 2013, Kim Hill's guests will
include Sharan Burrow, Christina Bevan, and MaryJane Thomson.
Producer: Mark Cubey
Wellington engineer: Lianne SmithChristchurch engineer: Andrew Collins
Dunedin engineer: Martin Balch
Web page: http://radionz.co.nz/saturday
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RNZ_SatMorning
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