Daily hits on weekdays varied between 477 and 585 while at the weekends these numbers halve.
Visitors came from New Zealand 58%, US 12%, UK 10%, Australia 6%,France and Canada 2% each, Japan, Ireland & India 1% each and the remaining 7% from 36 other countries including 4 visitors from Iran!
Thanks to you all for calling by.
These are impressive statistics Bookman but you know I'm not at all surprised you get so many visitors. The energy and effort you put into your blog is something to behold and I for one, a long-distance ex-pat Kiwi, greatly appreciate what you are doing. Life is better for me because of your blog and I thank you most warmly.
Yes I'm addicted too. Really enjoy your posts from your travels. I have a serious case of travel itch as well now.
It's always a pleasure dropping by, and my day wouldn't be complete without it.
My warm thanks to french kiwi, anon and vanda for these most encouraging and greatly appreciated comments. I am grateful to you.
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