Thursday, March 12, 2015

When Books Live at the Thrilling Intersection of Sci-Fi and Horror

By Ethan Reid    |   Wednesday, March 11, 2015 -= Off the Shelf
Our friend Ethan Reid published The Undying in October 2014. We recently asked him to pick his seven favorite sci-fi/horror books, most of which still give us the heebie-jeebies in a really good way. Enjoy!

For decades writers have mixed science fiction and horror to create haunting stories. Frankenstein. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Invasion of the Body Snatchers. These crossovers take us to the edge of the galaxy, or pin us to our seats when outer space comes to us. Alien. The Thing. In the last few decades videogames have even followed suit, melding the two to nail-biting effect. Dead Space. System Shock. The quality that makes meshing sci-fi with horror so unnerving is that it touches on the unknown. That fear that, as much as we want to use science to define the universe, there are some things beyond our comprehension.
The Mist, by Stephen King
I nearly led with King’s brilliant novel It, and those who’ve read the book know there are... READ FULL POST

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