by Jenny Hessell/Trevor Pye - Scholastic - RRP$19.50
Grandma McGarvey (always ready to try something new) decides to give ‘Surfing for Seniors’ a try, and is shocked to find that it doesn’t involve the sea at all! And that words like Net, Google, Blackberry and mouse have developed new meanings, totally foreign to her. However, in her own inimitable manner, she triumphs in the end when someone discovers her on a webpage of her own!
This is the eleventh title in the Grandma McGarvey series that has been around for over 20 years. Kids will find it hilarious that Grandma doesn’t even know what a mouse is, or what googling means. Plenty of humour here!
About the author & illustrator
A former high school English teacher, Hamilton author Jenny is best known for her Grandma McGarvey character.
Grandma McGarvey Paints the Shed: Honour Book, AIM Children’s Book Awards 1993
1 comment:
We liked that this story is suitable for all ages and is funny for everyone. Libby
It was funny when she hopped on the chair and was searching in her bag for her lunchbox to find blackberries. Solomon
I liked it when she was at the post box. Bhavya
When she stood on the chair i thought she was going to jump! Daniel.
I like the story When Grandma McGarvey Goes Camping' - Sam
I liked Grandma McGarvey because she has lots of books and they all have new adventures. Bailey.
Do you actually have a Grandma McGarvey fanclub that we can search for and join?
Rooms 1 and 11, Waihopai School.
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