Friday, March 15, 2013

Is Baby Boomer Lit the Next Hot Genre?

The 77.5 million Baby Boomers have buying power and they read. As these readers continue to get older, they represent a huge opportunity for publishers.
More News from PP:
The Folio Society will sponsor the newly named Folio Prize, a literature award of £40,000 to honor the best English-language fiction published in the UK.
Unlike a printed book in which the content is final, Nick Ruffilo advises publishers to think of their ebooks as updatable software that can and should change.
Harper Collins will publish Sarah Palin's latest book, A Happy Holiday IS a Merry Christmas, which will call for a renewed emphasis on the holiday’s religious importance.
From the Archives:
If e-readers offered haptic feedback for page turns, and audio cues coupled with physical feedback for a keyboard, it would change virtual reading and writing.

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