8:15 Harriet Lamb: banana wars and fair trade
9:05 Mandrika Rupa: hidden apartheid
9:45 Kevin Parker: saddleback dialects
10:05 Playing (Country) Favourites with John Newton
11:05 Dane Mitchell: tangible intangibles
11:40 Rugby with Spiro Zavos
Producer: Mark Cubey
Wellington engineer: Chris AdamsAuckland engineer: Jeremy Ansell
Dunedin engineer: Sandy Sullivan
Saturday Morning guest information and links:
8:15 Harriet Lamb
Harriet Lamb has been Chief Executive Officer of the Fairtrade Foundation since 2001, and is the author of Fighting the Banana Wars and other Fairtrade Battles (Rider Books, ISBN: 978-1-846-04084-9). Fairtrade Fortnight begins on 7 May, and Harriet will visit New Zealand between 20 and 24 June in association with Fairtrade New Zealand.http://www.fairtrade.org.nz
9:05 Mandrika Rupa
Mandrika Rupa is the director of the independent New Zealand documentary film Hidden Apartheid: A Report on Caste Discrimination, currently screening at the Bridgeway Cinema in Auckland (to 20 May).http://www.hiddenapartheid-themovie.com
9:45 Kevin Parker
Dr Kevin Parker is a biologist at the Institute of Natural Sciences, Massey University. He has been involved in 25 native bird translocations in his time as a researcher, all in collaboration with the Auckland Council, DOC and community conservation groups. His PhD research shows how saddlebacks have developed diverse dialects following translocations to 12 different islands over the past 50 years.10:05 Playing (Country) Favourites with John Newton
Dr John Newton teaches in the English Programme at the School of Humanities, University of Canterbury, and was the JD Stout Fellow 2010 at Victoria University of Wellington, where he conducted research for a book about immigration to New Zealand at the time of World War II

11:05 Dane Mitchell
Dane Mitchell is one of New Zealand's most prominent artists internationally. From October through December 2010 he was New Zealand Artist in Residence at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery in New Plymouth, where his exhibition, Radiant Matter Part 1, shows the sculptural possibilities of sea spray, perfume and vapour in their various states, and means of containing, diffusing and releasing these into the air (to 29 May). Dane is currently Dunedin Public Art Gallery/Creative New Zealand Visiting Artist in Residence for 2011, where he is working on Radiant Matter Part 2, continuing his exploration of ways of making the intangible tangible. The final exhibition of the three-part solo project will show at Artspace in Auckland from early July.
11:40 Rugby with Spiro Zavos

Saturday Morning repeats:
On Saturday 30 April 2011 during Great Encounters between 6:06pm and 7:00pm on Radio New Zealand National, you can hear a repeat broadcast of Kim Hill's interview from 23 April with James McPherson on the American Civil War.
Preview: Saturday 7 May
Kim Hill's guests will include novelist David Michell, scientist Fred Allendorf, and the trombone quartet BonaNZa.
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