Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Poem: Carolyn McCurdie and the shadows of camels

 This week's Tuesday Poem is by Dunedinite Carolyn McCurdie - called January Begins, it is based on a photograph called Camel Shadows. Editor Claire Beynon, also from Dunedin, says of her work: 

'Each time I read, see, or hear Carolyn McCurdie's poetry, I experience a kind of 'lift-off' as if my feet are no longer touching ground. Her words transport me to a world entirely 'other', her poet's landscape and sensibility at once intimate, restrained, vast, dramatic and original. Carolyn has a way of capturing the expansiveness of the whole - the overview - whilst simultaneously zooming in to her subjects with metronomic measure and penetrating accuracy. An air of enquiry, of 'scrupulous kindness', seems ever-present. 

Her poems open readers to encounters with place, persons, concepts and considerations that are spatial and sensory, reverent and relevant. And her poems are beautiful - compassionate and graceful in their engagement with life's subtler realities. Carolyn brings tenderness and light to themes that might elsewhere be cloaked in darkness or weighted by human frailty; our common, uncommon story.'

How can you resist? Visit www.tuesdaypoem.blogspot.com to read the poem, and in the sidebar you'll find 30 poems posted by 30 Tuesday Poets from around the world. Happy Travelling. 

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