Thursday, September 05, 2013

Book Licensing Market Snapshots: North America and Denmark

In a new series, IPR License's Tom Chalmers looks at licensing issues in key publishing territories around the world. First up: North America and Denmark.
Amazon is merely predicting that 10,000 books will be available through its Kindle Matchbook program by the time it launches in October. Will they get there?
More News from PP:
David Levithan's Two Boys Kissing portrays the lives of gay teens observed by forebears who never had the privilege of acceptance. It's a masterpiece, says our critic.
September's starred reviews of self-published books include a collection of spiritualist lectures, an examination of the Andean Q'ero faith, and a pair of compelling novels.
From the Archives:
Children's publishers and license holders need to prepare for broader license agreements to meet the challenges of moving from print to digital.

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